Claims consultancy
ANA offers a claims consultancy service that includes:
Claims audits
- Undertaken on behalf of Insurers who require ongoing or random audits of their service providers to ensure adherence of Company’s service and compliance standards. These service providers may be Builders, Suppliers or Adjusters acting on behalf of Insurers or Self Insured clients. Audit checks relate to service time lines, claims leakage, customer satisfaction and recovery.
- Offered to Brokers and Self Insureds who manage their own claims and may require an independent auditing service to ensure that claims being processed internally are in accordance with laid down guidelines, policy conditions and best practice.
- Customised reporting templates as per Client requirements.
Claims resolution service
- Offered to insurers, who may require a second opinion regarding a claim received from or to be directed to a third party insurer or client.
- Offered to brokers and their corporate clients who may require a technically qualified and experienced arbitrator to provide an opinion on a claim in dispute and offer solutions to resolve the matter. This service examines the proximate cause of the loss, insured peril as identified and settlement offered (or denied).
Contact us to explore your options.