Risk management
ANA’s Risk Management Services focus on risk management of properties, providing a cursory or need based or targeted* site survey assessment and recommendations for loss prevention.
We can review all important aspects in relation to the plant operations and maintenance then uncover opportunities to meet your business goals and reduce your costs.
Our approach
The services include both field assessments and desktop assessments, where work has either been carried out or the size and location of the risk does not warrant a field assessment.
If field assessment is involved then it will be based on a mixture of documentation reviews, interviews, plant inspections and verifications.
- The documentation reviews are focussed on Operations, Maintenance, Fire, Safety, Security.
Interviews involves site operations and maintenance personnel - Plant inspections and verifications consists of a physical tour of the Risk, and if required, verify issues and carry out witness testing of equipment.
- We can also provide an opinionated review on an existing risk assessment report.
Type of Risks
ANA covers all types of:
- Electrical power generation and transmission including sub-stations and transformers
- Alternative energy such as solar, wind and hydro
- Gas treatment and distribution
- Water treatment and distribution
- Engineering risks
We can also provide expert service for very specialised risks; please contact us.